Nilsson, Bengt :Svensk Fiolbyggarkonst (Swedish violin making art)
66pp, Presents Swedish violin makers (ca. 1700 - 1865) in alphabetical order. Several color images of instruments. Languages Swedish and English. £40
Otto, Jacob Augustus. A Treatise on the Structure and Preservation of the Violin. London: Reeves, 4. Edition. 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall. Original Cloth. Good Further Enlarged. Translated From the Original, with Additions and Illustrations by John Bishop. 6 + 95 pp; 3 plates, 10 ill.; some splits to page gatherings; cover sl. bumped, discoloured; On the construction of the violin and other bow-instruments, account on the most eminent German makers., notice on the most esteemed Italian and Steiner's violins., of the repair; preservation, and method of bringing out the tone of instruments. VI appendix. Last part of the book are announcements, history, biography etc. With index £15
Otto, Irmgard / Adelmann, Olga. Katalog der Streichinstrumente.Staatliches Institut für Musikforschung Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Musikinstrumenten-Museum Berlin. Publisher: Staatliches Institut für Musikforschung Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin, 1975, pp.336. Text in German £10
Petherick, Horace. Antonio Stradivari. London: Strad, 1913. 2cd. Edition. 12mo, Cloth. Very Good 8 + 82 pp; + adverts; plates and ill; Dark red cloth boards, faded, very firm and clean pages; owners signature to ffep; sold
Pilar Vladimir. & Sramek, F. Umeni Houslaru - The Art of (Czech-) Violin-Makers
Panton, Prague, 1989; 544 pp; dj.; Profusely illustrated with b/w full-page plates, text-illustr., and a folding genealogical chart; text in Czech with Russian, English and German summary. Condition very good, dust jacket with clear film. Probably the most important publication on Czech makers up to date - even of interest to non Czech readers as the many details of the makers featured are self explanatory. Contents: 1. Preface 2. Historical development of Violin making in Bohemia and Moravia 3. Biographies and work of violin makers 4. Theoretical and practical problems of the violin and viola 5. Supplements; The book contains about 1400 photographs and other pictures. £180 £150
Dennis Plowright (British violin maker): Dictionary of British Violin and Bow Makers, 1994, 1st. edition, 128 pp. vg excellent condition, softback £20
Poidras, Henri; Sewell, Arnold (translator) Critical and Documentary Dictionary of Violin Makers: Old and Modern, Volume I and II Hardcover Publisher: Imprimerie De La Vicomte, 1928 and 1930
English Translation, the highly interesting and quite rare 1. edition. Many labels, makers biogr. etc. VG condition, a few markings, rubbings, light wear. see photos. £110 Sale 95
Retford, William C.: Bows and Bow Makers. Novello, Sevenoks 1977. 2cd edition.
Hard Cover with dj. Small 4to, 250x190mm, 86pp., 24 b/w plates, 6 ill. The dustjacket with small tears and some loss, A tight, firm and clean book, VG
The author worked for the legendary firm of W.E.Hill & Sons for 64 years!
An invaluable book on bows for the violin family. Now quite scarce.
Content: Introduction; Acknowledgements; Authors Foreword; List of Plates; Historic; Materials (Brazil Wood, Ebony, Snakewood, Lapping, Pearl, Nut); Miscellanea (choosing a bow, names..., chamfer, spring, curve, weight, strength, balance, elasticity, movement, worn stick); Craftsmanship and Notes on Repairing (Re-Hairing, Re-Facing, Broken Head, Splicing, Bushing, Re-Springing, Nuts); The French Bow (Old Tourte, L'Aine, F.Tourte, Adam, Bazin, Bernadel, Eury, Victor Fetique, Henry, Pecatte, Simon, Lupot,Pajeot, Persoit, Sartory, L.Thomassin, A.Vigneron, F.N.Voirin, A.Lamy, Voirin and after, J.B.Vuillaume) The English Bow (some English Makers, Samuel Allen, Edward Dodd, John Dodd, James Dodd, The Dodd Stamp, The Tubbs Family, James Tubbs, Hairing a Tubbs, Dodd Copies, Tubbs Stamps, Other English Makers) The German Bow (Weichold) Finale sold
Retford, William C. (Malcolm Sadler, Ealing Strings) The Retford Centenary Exhibition
Ealing Strings, London 1975. 63 pp + 100 black & white photographic plates of bows. A fine book celebrating the life and work of this influential craftsman and bowmaker, with an insight into to the firm of W.E. Hills. sold
Riemann, Hugo. Riemann Musik Lexikon (5 Bände). Mainz Schott 1959-1975, 1959.
xv, 986; xv, 976; xv, 1087; xv, 698; xii, 964 Seiten. goldgeprägte Leinenbände, 26 cm. 5 Bände: "Personenteil A-K", "Personenteil L-Z", "Sachteil", "Ergänzungsband Personenteil A-K", "Ergänzungsband Personenteil L-Z". - 12.neubearbeitete Auflage war als dreibändige Ausgabe konzipiert und wurde von Willibald Gurlitt und in der Nachfolge von Hans Heinrich Eggebrecht herausgegeben (Personenteile und Sachteil). Ihr folgten noch die beiden Ergänzungsbände, herausgegeben von Carl Dahlhaus. - Mit etlichen Abbildungen.
Large Musical Standart Lexikon in German. all 5 Vol. A heavy set. £60
Riley, Maurice: The History of the Viola, HB 1993 (musical instruments)
A rare and highly interesting book for players, collectors and makers of the viola. 1993 2cd. revised edition of Volume 1. xxiii , 396 pp. Many ilustrations, b/w photographs, details and measurements of classical Italian violas. Very Good condition, light wear, clean, crisp hardback edition with dustjacket. Condition VG with clean dustjacket £75
Roda, Joseph: Bows for Musical Instruments of the Violin Family, deluxe fully leather bound, slipcase 1959
Large 4to, 290 x 225mm, W. Lewis & Son, Chicago, 1959. 335 pp
47 plates (241 b/w illustrations). Gilt embossed title page and spine, full lether bound with original slipcase.
One of the most important texts on bows of the instruments of the violin family. Including the biographies of many well and famous bow makers of the French, English and German Schools detailing their work. A fine edition of this classic work.
Contents: Part I (115pp):
1. Origin and development of the bow 2. The modern type bow 3. Description of the present day bow
4. Materials used in bow making 5. Making a bow 6. Care of the bow 7. Rosin 8. How to choose a bow
Part II (220pp): Biographical list of bow makers and bow photographs, Bibliography List of subscribers £600 £550
Sacconi, Simone F., Franco Feroldi, Maya Randolph: From Violinmaking to Music the Life and Works of Simone Fernando Sacconi A.C.L.A.P. 1985, Hardback, Sold
Sadler (Malcolm), Ealing Strings, Retford, William C. :The Retford Centenary Exhibition
Ealing Strings, London 1975. 63 pp + 100 black & white photographic plates of bows. A fine book celebrating the life and work of this influential craftsman and bowmaker, with an insight into to the firm of W.E. Hills. Sold
Senn, Walter & Roy, Karl: Jakob Stainer, Leben und Werk des Tiroler Meisters, 1617-1683.
Franfurt Main: Bochinsky, 1986. First Edition. Sold
Scrollavezza, Renato and the Parma school, many ill. New 95 pp, SB, 320 x 230mm. This book is a testimony to the violin making course that took place at the "A. Boito" conservatory from 1975 to 1992. Many b/w photos of makers instruments, history etc. Text in Italian and English £40
Sotheby's. Musical Instruments Auctions various catalogues - please enquire
Sotheby's. Musical Instruments.
Very fine catalogue of the Musical Instruments Auction 14. November 1985.Violins Etc. Part 1. 120pp. numerous ill. in colour and b&w. hardback, VG condition.
Includes 4 famous Stradivaris - incl. the Lady Blunt violin of 1721, the 'Red Diamond' violin from 1732 , the 'Wilhemj' of 1725 and the 1730 'Ben Venuto, ex Pawle cello £40
Stainer, Jacob - see:Senn, Walter & Roy, Karl
Stradivari: see Beare
Stradivari: see Dilworth
(Stradivari) Ealing Strings: The Eternal Influence of Antonio Stradivari
1987, Photography by Michael Taylor Used - Like New. Full leather Deluxe Leather Bound Limited Edition with slipcase. 147 p. and many illustartions of fine violins. large 8vo, gilt spine, gilt front board. Marbled end papers, all edges gilt. Catalog of three exhibitions by Ealing Strings " celebrate the art of the master violin maker of today and to reflect the influence of Antonio Stradivari over the past 250 years." #17 of the deluxe limited edition of 100. Sold
(Stradivari) see: Bein & Fushi (Doring, Ernest N.) HOW MANY STRADS? Our Heritage from the Master. Signed Deluxe Edition. Enlarged and expanded edition Sold
(Stradivari) Dilworth, John: 3 Monographs on Antonio Stradivari:
The ''Archinto'' Cello 1689 , ''La Pucelle'' Violin 1709, ''Tyrrell '' Violin 1717
Archinto Cello 1689: Hardback, many colour photos showing full view, scroll and details of this unique early cello by the foremost Cremonese violin maker. La Pucelle Violin 1709: Hardback, many colour photos showing full view, scroll and details of this unique golden period violin by the foremost Cremonese violin maker. Tyrell Violin 1717: Hardback, many colour photos showing full view, scroll and details of this unique golden period violin by the foremost Cremonese violin maker. With excellent descriptive text by John Dilworth, known to many as a regular contributor to the Strad magazine and well respected authority. £140 £120
(Tuscany) Violin making in Tuscany - Contemporary violin makers 134pp., 320 x 250mm, HB, New. Text: Italian and English This book features contemporary Tuscan luthiers and bow makers, with color photos of instruments and biographical details. £40
Toffolo, Stefano: Strumenti musicali a Venezia nella storia e nell'arte dal XIV al XVIII secol (Musical instruments in Venice) 155pp., ill., 8vo. 300 x 215mm, SB, Text in Italian only.
Strumenti musicali a Venezia nella storia e nell'arte dal XIV al XVIII secolo. Una raccolta di 6 saggi scritti da Stefano Toffolo, esperto della storia e prassi esecutiva degli strumenti a corde pizzicate del rinascimento e barocco.
(Musical instruments in Venice in history and art from the 14th to the 18th century. A collection of 6 essays written by Stefano Toffolo, an expert in the history and performance practice of Renaissance and Baroque plucked string instruments.)£40 £30
(Varnish) Gheroldi , Vincenzo (editor), Colombo, Lusiano : Varnishes and very curious secrets: Cremona, 1747.
the manuscript 4 (H 113) of the Biblioteca Trivulziana in Milan (Artemanuale). 2021, 251pp., softcover, 8vo. English text: Highly interesting book on early varnishes, varnish making etc. £30 £25
Vatelot, Etienne: Les Archets Francais 2 Vol. 1976 1.Ed.
Publisher: Sernor - M.Dufour, 1. edition 1976, sold
Venetian Instruments.Les Violons. Paintings and Drawings Jaeger, Emmanuel & Jean-Frederic Scmitt, Marc Le Bot, Dominique Saatdjian, Etienne Vatelot, Charles Beare, Bernard Millant, Rene Morel, Jean-Christophe Graff.
Published by Association pour la Promotion des Arts, Hotel de Ville de Paris, France, 1995 HB, 295 pp. with many col. illustrations of fine Venetian violin family instruments and paintings.
Text in English. Condition: Hardback cover with wear, smudges, some damp stain to page edges.
Contents: Violin Making and Musical Tradition in the XVIIIth century Venice Emmanuel Jaeger Venice, Violin Making and History Jean-Frédéric Schmitt Venice or a Secret and its Lineage : Etienne Vatelot, Charles Beare, Bernard Millant, René Morel, Jean-Frédéric Schmitt, Jean-Christophe Graff Prestigious Venetian Stringed Instruments The Eye of Painter The Soul of the Violin Marc Le Bot The Violinist and his Double Dominique Saatdjian Paintings and Drawings of Beautiful Stringed Instruments £80
Vettori, Carlo:The Classic Lines Of Italian Violin Making
1979,Giardini Editori E Stampatori. HB sold
Vuillaume: see Roger Millant: Sa vie et son oeuvre/ His Life and Work/ Der Kunstler und seine Werke.
Von Schulmann, Otto. Echt Oder Falsch.
Siegburg: F.Schmitt, 1976. Second Edition. 8vo, Original Wraps. Fine 78pp; 6 b/w plates of classical Italian violins; Text in German; Ein Beitrag zur Beurteilung Altitalienischer Meistergeigen für Geigenliebhaber. £15
WINTERNITZ, EMANUEL, Gaudenzio Ferrari: La sua scuola e la protostoria del violino.
Gaudenzio Ferrari. His school and the early history of the violin. Published by Varallo Sesia, Societ… Conservazione Opere Arte Monumenti Valsesia,, 1967 64pp; con 20 tavole f.t.; leggera carton. originale VG. ** Testo in italiano e in inglese. In English and Italian language. VG condition £20
Wit, Paul De : Geigenzettel Alter Meister (Violin Labels of the Old Masters) 2 Volumes in one, quality reprint of the 1920 and 1912 originals by German Publisher in 1976. Text in German - Vol1: 16pp, 38 plates with 424 labels, Vol.2 16pp, 40 plates with 457 labels Excellent condition. 1976, Verlag Das Musikinstrument. £120
Wurlitzer Co., Rudolph. Rare Violins Violas Violoncellos of the 18th. And 19th. Centuries Wurlitzer Collection 1931, Part 1.
New York: Rudolph Wurlitzer Co., 210 pp., 75 full page b/w plates showing instruments in 2 views, 1 colour plate of A. Stradivari Violin 1737 'Chant du Cygne', original stiff blue wraps; wear to outer wrap on spine, some smudges, light annotations, VG otherwise.
The advertised part 2 was never published, making this catalogue a very important document of the many classical instruments offered by this fine American company at this time. All instruments are listed with prices and description. Also listing of strings, Hill cases and accessories, as well as repairs carried out by Wurlitzers - all with prices again. £130
Zanrè, Andrea (Ed.) The Girolamo Amati Viola - Galleria Estense
A new series of monographs, each dedicated to an exceptional instrument, selected among those of outstanding importance in the history of classical Italian making. The first volume focuses on the viola Estense by Girolamo Amati, one of the first contraltos of modern proportions and one of the most precious jewels preserved in the ducal collection in Modena. After almost four centuries, this rare instrument may be admired and examined in its exceptional purity thanks to photographs by Jan Röhrmann, the microtomographic analyses performed by the Vienna Micro CT-Lab, and the varnish stratigraphies conducted by Brigitte Brandmair.
''All the mass of data is presented beautifully, with great clarity, sensitivity and appreciation of the subject. Every page is filled with stunning visual imagery (…) It is a revelation.''
John Dilworth – The Strad Magazine, June 2015
Edizioni Scrollavezza & Zanrè (2015), edited by Andrea Zanrè Photos by Jan Röhrmann
Essays: Brigitte Brandmair, Carlo Chiesa, Davide Gasparotto, Alberto Giordano, Rudolf Hopfner,
Peter Ratcliff, Andrea Zanrè
56 pages in 45,7 by 28,5 cm format 800 copies, texts in English DVD with multimedia contents and sound recording Condition: As new, light bump to corners. £110
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